Monday, August 24, 2009

Of Angels and Angles

The Parking lot of the movie theater as an impersonal space.

You're a dress I don't ever want to take off. There's the free tea and the cheap clothes. And they hardly exist. 

They hardly exist in my head because you're filling up the space and I like it that way. 

There are angels in your angles. There's a low moon caught in your tangles.

There's a ticking
At the sill. There's a purr of a pigeon to break the still of day

There's cutting off your hair and drinking glass cokes and taking Titanic off your hands as you would say. And there's the surprises when I get home because I'm tired and you are amazing. 

A bad afternoon turned good afternoon going crazy in tiny kitchens where you're cleaning off the shelves and I'm bouncing off walls an accent on my tongue.

I'll break his glasses next time. While they're still on his face.
To my Name Twin
(Live long and prosper)

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