Sunday, February 22, 2009


Wolfy Barkers


I could sleep.
I could sleep. When I lived alone, is there a ghost in my house?
My house.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daytime Television: French Chapter

Oh noo. burnt burnt burnt. 

i cant cooooooooooooooooooook

Monday, February 16, 2009


Alright. Alright, all right


On our picture shelves,
Statues mocking me
How am I supposed to feel
How am I not put at ease
Talk yourself to sleep
Fall into it deep
I will wash off mine with rolling waves of worry
(Get on or Get out)

It doesn't have to feel so wrong
Bethany, you're riding this one to its grave
You never understood the difference between
Someone beating and refusal to trade

Bless these tangled veins
None of which will grow the same
Now am I supposed to fake it
Now are you so poised at ease?
(Get on or Get Out)

Can you feel it surround me I think it'll drown me yeah

And I wonder how you could say that we really owe you anything
And I wonder how you could say that you really owe us anything

Think long, think think long, think think.
[think long - mates of state]

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

Bang Bang
He shot me down

Bang Bang
I hit the ground
on friday i drove to dc to pick up a leprechaun named katie vogel. five thirty in the morning put me to sleep, eyes dry. 
wandering around around around around around. picked up by the weather. 
what is art?
sakura. im sorry. it was rushed and im sorry about it. 

work. Alone, buying two tons of chocolate on valentine's day. funny looking errands take me down down back to work where dark straw nut straw nut ban ban milk trample my brain like a sewing machine. its ok. riley made a graph.
My heads heavy. Crepe gunked, im beating both of you at mario kart. aa haha. the olives arent worth the trouble. cigarette after cigarette plus talking with my mouth and not with my head. heavy. breakin out the light kit. buying wolf tank tops. and eating alllll the salami..

and i hope this counts as friendship progress.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Leve les bras, et danse avec moi.

one am lost. twelve am laugh. eleven pm scrabble.
fast forward. two am. tired. spinning like a wheel
rewind. 11 50 a friend. brought a friend. elijah wood but kinder to the brain.
forward play: real time: shes drunk and watching things. yelling into phones
processing information sloooooowwwwwwwwww. find a friend. i feel terrible, and yet i cant help but...
play: real time: conversation
complaining, and i'm sorry. i really am. i hate to be that person. that just goes on and on about stupid things. 
im sorry about the telephone, on both ends, but really?

fast forward: two twelve\eyes aching, crinkled.
rewind: cigarettes. art show talk.
aren't we lucky to like anything... anything anything.
fast forward: twelve forty five, i've been telling more people. but i think its ok. 
i just want to be friends with a lot of people. 
but close friends. i hate being barely on the verge of close. but i think times are a changing.
fast forward: my brain? sandwiches and cereal.
fast forward: cigarettes. 
fast forward: just because im losing, doesn't mean im LOST.
fast forward: eyes eyes...
internet. eyes. eyes.
no eyes.


what billowing nonsense is this

"I'm aware I'm done with this.
Bourbon soaked air, you fill me up.
Emulsion; uneasy.
Belligerent hair and fool sit
Waiting for time.
What a nightmare. I pick your brain with sharp things.
An ingredient to blood.
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I'm ash
On your doorstep. Laced with emulsion
and uneasy.
Kick me through
Thunder in my head;
Sometimes I don't want it to go away.
Oh shes this and this and this
but what
A soul rendered turbulent by alcohol mouths."

this house is for sale i am for sale you are for sale marked down twenty five percent down down down down.

"Dear Ventricle to my Heart,
though you are spokesperson for Hurt Feelings Inc.
I strive to understand your meaning.
You are false hope, you are a breath of fresh air.
The world isn't ready for you
Until you're dead.
I'll wait for you. Your paper bag aortas pump creative liquor,
It goes straight to my head.
Bare with me, for I am not as quick on the taking
I'm listening I'm listening
And even if you sink me, I'll carry you
to shore."

We've been snorting too much coke said the the church congregation.

"derelict creature with the CHLOROFORM eyes,
i nearly collapsed from such heavy show and tell
like a broken down heart on the highway.
I have a porcelain heart and a clay sanity
Like none other.
I am a machine for producing salt water.
(After a while it gets painful)
And I don't mean to harm your expression
It's just that pillows lose humanity. The room is empty but for me
And the rocks in my pockets."

forward, so you could move forward, forward...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

je veux passer du temps avec toi

je marche au son du sifflement dans kill bill

what to think so as not think.

lipstick lipstick.
god. it sucks. my giant lipstick sucks. sucks. sucks.



"i'm going to read you a passage from my book."
3 passages later

i hate hate when people ask you to describe something using only one word.
read this passage and then describe it using one word.

je veux passer du temps avec toi.

Monday, February 9, 2009


yes. yes i am the fluffiest kitten oh my gosh ever.

muffin full

i found these bits and pieces of olde

being muffin-full is one of the worst fulls there are. Honestly. Honest to god.

tired, voming. i watch shaun of the dead with three peoples. botched phone conversation to mother as mother. why dont you trust me, etc.
sleeping sleeping yelling sleeping
and the discussion of painful things in the freezing cold.

Sunday i wake up too early to feel good.
people leave person stays -leave the key behind the pack of paper.
meetings. but not the meeting i expected. honestly i expected to sit on the step and talk of rules.
but things were scrubbed instead. until my fingers are literally bleeding all over the bathroom. its because i tried to split a steel wool in half. bad idea.

j'ai trouve sa excitant.

mario kart with anna
michaels and grocery shopping. making giant lipsticks. eugh. and its ugly.

three hours of conversation about things i cant help but not feel. and im sorry about it.

goodnight goodnight.

theres a bright light behind my aching head and the smoke tumbles into it. into you.

reality ends here

(limes regiones rerum)

soldiers, desert. before you get hurt.

mad weekend

Discoteque parisienne. danse. a boire. 
beaucoup a boire. des jeux. 
des mains qui se tiennes. 
samedi - tempete dans mon ventre, 
tempete dans ma tete
je me penche...
j'ai travaille de 13h a 20h.
1 a8.
ce fut long.
18h venu, je fus fascinee de nouveau
mais je ne comprend pas.
je ne sais pas ce qui marrive.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


 all i think about is you, Hybrid. part 1 2 3 all mixed up and tied up.