Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sun Roof Romance


Trees Treees Trees


"Lucy in the skyyyyyy with diieee yaaamonds"

"She's just a flirt trying to get ahead by using you! Well I'll put a stop to that! I'm going to see R.F. right noow!!"

To not be invited.

And wondering if I care.

I wonder I wonder I wonder I wonder I wonder a lot of things. Does this bother me Am I mad because im hurt.

"Oh innocence, the hand of sorrow"

Vandals vagabonds Bandits and the sweet old child molester under the train track bridge spraying more compliments than anyone.


I'm making up the ending the ending is extremely fucking nigh

giant broken cameras paper covered monitors (just a little bit too stupid. i have to realize)

to hating you. passive aggressive white board wars.
Happy fucking mothers day.

Make believe hard core bands: broken jokes and withered hands.

You're swinging back and forth like you've been here all along. Like you haven't destroyed someone you love. You've got painful luxury eyes I wish so much I could just enjoy the presence of. Because you're not that bad really. But you're terrible.

We're driving. "Oh my oh my. From the good news to the bad news". I'd like to be a magnet for your sorrow. Wind.

We're driving. Fast. "Bag of bones.." Magic hour. YELLLLLLLLING because i hate her. parking for ten dollar ten dollar. 

The necessary conversation. You like what I say.
8 45 creeping out and forgetting my sweater goddammit.

To bagels and businessmen. I just realized I'm hungry. 

I just really want a nice meal, you know? Like going to a restaurant and not having to get angry notes about doing the dishes or even just having to do the dishes. and just having nice food.
France, I miss you.

Goddd. Why won't you email me back sir why. Now I'm unreliable.

Chemicals in my brain! Oh my!

(Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles; Singin' in the Rain - Lina Lamont; Sweet Songs - Lux Perpetua; Fuck Around - Lux Perpetua; Bag of bones - Lux Perpetua)

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