Wednesday, December 31, 2008

o.b. noxious fumes

Cataclism ism ism ism. Oh no the guests. They arrive. Its new years eve. Oh no oh my. Nice day for a walk in the parkkkkkkkk? i think no. its raining and cold. just like them all. Too many to count, mutha uckas.

Nincom Pulpe. Kitchen Utensil, borderline fraulein combustable. Mrs Katerkey's unwanted christmas pudding (among other things).

off kilter
water filter
jilter hilter guilter milter wilter.

As humans, we run. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The End of Harry Potter?

Mrs. Mifton, three time five card draw winner at St. Patience Community, got inked.
inthe face.

oh no, an underwear drawer full of moths. No underwear. just full moth bellies.

muskrats dragging dead creatures. mrs alterroy's warty feet, all askew
 in the ditch like monetary compensation. "Television is CRAZY" and many more young little things.

kick kicker kickest
fill key back

UNTITLED PART THREE on the mind. kicking the inside of my head with Idea-Shoes.
an anti-snag.

Our house is narrow narrow narrow. wooooooooooooooo.
for me.

and playing love songs at a funeral.

I would have rathered
green pants.

i hate big groups

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How the hell did this get out so fast.
One minute we were storming streets. Tin Cans on Creeek creeek crreeekkks.

Neither do I. Strangers. I find places and things I never knew existed. Have you ever shot anyone. Believing in the law. 
If I see another facebook album called "Sweet Summetime" or "RANDOOM" or "Life is short but sweet for [fucking] certain" I might just cut through the fuse box of The Internet. Is this America.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I want to play SCRABULOUS dammmmmiitttttt.

I just applied for a job by email. Relax, it's what they told me to do.
Christmas because I'm curious.
Oh crap, can I borrow one of yours?

there are no new christmas songs

there's just "All I Want for Christmas is You"
Seventy billion times, with an occasional change in inflection.

how did it go from sounding like christ, to chrissmuss

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winding Down

insomnia is the loneliest.

airplane time travel
heart shrapnel
eye gravel

thinking about that job makes me depressed. 

thinking about 

insomnia is the loneliest.

black night air bubble surrounding my bed. no one talks. no one lives.

throat wrapped tightly around an igloo in the rain
kick in the teeth, nails in the jaw. poke me on the inside poke me on the inside.
White in your hair, blood in your eyes. Fever in your Hands like Forever.

it is frustrating how cliche everything everything everything has become.
you don't believe pain is real. you don't believe any of it.
i guess all i can do is wait for tomorrow morning, as it slowly slowly creeps up my head like a spider.

insomnia is the loneliest.

telephones. clothing & disappointment.

insomnia is the loneliest.
go away. (I don't even know why I'm writing on this thing. I hardly want anyone to read it).

emo emo emo emu
animal, & the proverbial pumpkin.

insomnia is the loneliest.
no matter what you try to roll your eyes about everything exists. everything.

im dreading talking to you. im dreading talking to you because i secretly don't want to fix anything. im dreading talking to you because i cant fake it. im dreading talking to you. no matter what i say youll hate me for it. im dreading you. (j bn esfbejoh zpv. mjab dibcpu.)
coffee and dry brownies.

insomnia is the loneliest.

take me down.
paint my guts into the carpet with a paint roller. j roller. j walker.
i hardly care.
im not neat and well kept. im not pink.

im purple.

insomnia is the loneliest.

I don't want to work for you. Send me an email so I can tell you. Don't send me an email so I don't.

I waited but you didn't have time.
And now I can't help but --

write me inside. write me inside.

i kept the world on the inside.
Rat me out

i write these things because i dont talk. not because i cant.

hail to the first modern french comedy i've actually enjoyed.


insomnia is the loneliest.

i dread it like i dread seeing you.

when im serious, you dont believe me

insomnia is the loneliest.
people feel cooler than me always. if thats what they need, if thats what you need, proceed.
but allow me at least... to distance myself... because what i need, is to not care. and its hard.

insomnia is the loneliest.

okay. cold cheeks, a skirt made just for you my darling. christmas lights. bad movies and good movies. video game. french coca cola. french food. sweet older boyfriends vs. same age assholes. the only reason people date others their own age is because it is usually easier to connect with someone at your same physical stage in life. But as long as your connecting with someone, back and forth... backk and forth, like a rocking chair (amidst a pile of thunderstorm) anyone... age is a number.


turn the radiator down. drink from a cup drink from a cup.
open the window...


its okay. it's okay. it's okay.
panic, is, no matter what, temporary.

my head i'm aching. but/because the storm in my body is settling. it's okay. it's okay if you think im a phony, it's okay you're doing other things, it's okay I'm parched because if i wasnt so lazy id get up and fill my glass with water, it's okay... the heat is going down.

i miss you, you know. i wish i could call you a genius and have it not mean I'm sucking up to you. I wish i could hang out with you and be as fun as those other kids. 

it's okay i guess.


sleep. im waiting.

Parched (Typical)

Water in Rusty Windpipes.
im thirsty thirsty thirsty.
god how annoying. the kitchen the kitchen is all the way down down downstairs. ehhhh. no cups.

do you promise i'll be back before dinner. god help me. god help me im thirsty.

oh no ho on oh no oh no oh no..

cracked lips and a dry throat. wATER WATER EVERYWHERE

Monday, December 15, 2008

Rain Steam and Speed

Bicep of the Year goes to

Hello cornflake heart, standing there with a bicep pumped with asteroids. Bare all on the outside, none on the inside. You're watching closely. But not coming close. 

"Soup by Tunng" enter now. Seven little nikolais. Un deux trois cent mille quatre cent quarante neuf. et dix huit mille autres. Epouse moi mon petit eskimo.

Quarantined by Lady Margaret. Dividing up coats and liquor stores across your forehead. Mock me mock me mock me!!

You're above me. What you did would be better received if you took off your Attitude. Wastebasket that shit.

Digging a tunnel Under your feet. (People never change, bitch, don't even try)

18 thousand pages of analysis. I've written more than you!
Scraping the core with an ice cream scoop. I've written deeper than you!
Gramatics school princess. I've written better than you.
Give it a rest, while I promptly ------ throw up, all over your achievement.

"Out on the wall sounds of banging, it's constant coming from your head
In desperate, the calls came and ringing from those wanna wring your neck
Wring your neck" OUR SWORDS band of horses

baking things on tuesday mornings.
diner time after fire ants

detergent quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

overturned beds make good forts and so on and so fort

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Religion: The Quest for Knowledge

Your face is a vulture. 
No way man, the monkey's out of the bottle!

Owwowww0ww. I've got a paper clip in a pie and its poking out a prison song that's dwindling in my eye.

Ice water ice water ice water ice water ice water ice water ice water.

"I'm working on a -piece- that speaks of sex and desperation" Art Star. FASHION FIGHT PAUSE.

  1. curdled milk, wired wine.
  2. striped hats and fog
  3. grips gaffers best boys
  4. grappling hook
  5. glove of death!!!!!
  6. you haven't seen her new tights
  7. pens and pencils in my face
  8. cartwheel assholes in my head
  9. time to go to bed.

That twist-off is classsssy.

Hot Laundry On My Face

I have a question. isn't stealing someone's shirt a little strange... i mean, one of the two stolen shirts wasn't even attractive. it was old and run down and i was probably going to toss it anyway. but really? 
and here i left, out of disappointment and regret. EIGHT PAGES? I'm trying to drink the coldest drink on the puhlanet. 

And here I thought we were pouring orange juice at the same time. 

What's wrong with Mrs. Saline, she looks sad. Arguably the largest bird is the PTeredactl and it sat on your head. Your shoulders caved.
Good god, woman.

It's time for an adventure. And I don't mean literally. I don't mean anything literally, while reason an
d realism is all you own. Aristotle can--
KNock -- Ok, I'm coming. Just lean on the doorbell while you punch my door in the face why don't you. How odd. Is that something burning?

what happens in your head stays in your head.

i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry. but are you

How clever of you. Say hi to your mole for me arright? The end is near.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sour Powder

Affecting your entire future on a saturday night. It rapes like a cure.

-je t'aime. tu es tout ce qui a jamais existe. tout ce qui existera. un sous-marin elegant m'approche. je me dis que c'est trop tard. que le soleil n'existe plus, et mon coeur s'isole. Une isle dans un ocean de poudre detergente. merde. tu sais, ton probleme existe sur de 
nombreux differents niveaux.

Stop looking at eyeballs on the internet. And spelling pickles 'picals' and dodgi
ng all the nerf gun fights. It's unbecoming. 
darcie likes her vinegar. so do i. twins.

YOU MAKE ME POKE MY ELBOW. sometimes i hate centered text.

coffins bullets time travel. why would you put prickly things on a pillow. Goooodddddddddddddddddddddddd.

Learning chinese on wednesday mornings, broken d
own by the highway and eating saltines out of a tin can.

Ok, so i saw this movie where two ladies try on a
 bunch of hats? And it seemed like they were enjoying it but, PLOT TWIST, one of them didn't. And she calls them all out for being
 masochistic and narcissistic and ballistic and capriscistic and
 bubbliscticmik..... blah bah dee blah. Cousins wearing shirts on backwards, crying at your mommy for the
 wrong things and beating dead rats out of carpets at noon, suffering under the turbulent reign of sir henry the fifty millionth. I'd like t
o tattoo you with my magic markers, sitting on her back all day long watching television shows made of plastic. I'm
 a soft core pine cone and I'm weeping pathetically over the final episode of the OC. Oh jee. gee. 

I like listing things among other things among other things. its funny because this all makes sense in my head but not in yours. subjectivity, animosity, green apples.

You annoy me. I wish you didn't but its proved inevitable. I'm sorry. Say hi to your mother fer me arright?

Cleaning Fluid

"You devil," cried the comfort food.
Effegine, wine maker's daughter, spoke six languages including walrus. She died of a heroine overdose at the age of 25 and left all of her russian doll collection to Katerina Gelovnavichnadnovnavich, who was supremely ecstatic.

It's too bad about you though. You are adorable, and all... but reall
y what would I do with you? Too much paradise is unsettling. While tornadoes make for interesting plot twists.

Losers losers losers. boozers. No questions/answers. Ive been trapped in the ice cream store. Please send a balloon. Who's that boy with the pin striped apron? Krismas, how many sweaters did you knit anyhow? I just want to live in my house. The clean one. It's cute. That's good. It's bright. And white. And the tiny bedroom could be mine. There was an overturned bathtub in the yard. It was the kind with feet. I sort of hope it stays behind when they take the trash away, but I wouldn't know how to ask about that. Never mind.  Never   Mind.

That cut is GHASTLY. "Here's your florida call, mr. Whitmore." I'm going to start eating all the ice cream in your house and I won't stop until you untie me from the refrigerator door.

Critter At Large

There are ominous malls where mothers call "critter!" and children come running. That was a day where, looking for someone I could hardly imagine looking for today, a diskman was bought and crowds were dodged. Yuck. What a long bus ride for nothing. 

Hello, goodbye, buy this spa treatment for you and your loved ones. It's 60 dollars overpriced and I won't leave you alone. Damn you. And your hat. 

I never expected this to happen. You're never above anyone when you're peering from afar.
Ok ok im working on it. Criminy. 

Put them inside put them inside. put them away. thats negatory. I watched the world from the inside, ehhhhhhhhhh.
Square hearts.

Detergent on your cereal. A fingerprint on my tongue like fire. I cried and cried because somebody dared me to dip my finger in it and eat it. thats no good. that was on montague st washington dc

oh my coffee and pie