Your face is a vulture.
No way man, the monkey's out of the bottle!
Owwowww0ww. I've got a paper clip in a pie and its poking out a prison song that's dwindling in my eye.
Ice water ice water ice water ice water ice water ice water ice water.
"I'm working on a -piece- that speaks of sex and desperation" Art Star. FASHION FIGHT PAUSE.
- curdled milk, wired wine.
- striped hats and fog
- grips gaffers best boys
- grappling hook
- glove of death!!!!!
- you haven't seen her new tights
- pens and pencils in my face
- cartwheel assholes in my head
- time to go to bed.
That twist-off is classsssy.
Oh good, I have reading to do.