Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sour Powder

Affecting your entire future on a saturday night. It rapes like a cure.

-je t'aime. tu es tout ce qui a jamais existe. tout ce qui existera. un sous-marin elegant m'approche. je me dis que c'est trop tard. que le soleil n'existe plus, et mon coeur s'isole. Une isle dans un ocean de poudre detergente. merde. tu sais, ton probleme existe sur de 
nombreux differents niveaux.

Stop looking at eyeballs on the internet. And spelling pickles 'picals' and dodgi
ng all the nerf gun fights. It's unbecoming. 
darcie likes her vinegar. so do i. twins.

YOU MAKE ME POKE MY ELBOW. sometimes i hate centered text.

coffins bullets time travel. why would you put prickly things on a pillow. Goooodddddddddddddddddddddddd.

Learning chinese on wednesday mornings, broken d
own by the highway and eating saltines out of a tin can.

Ok, so i saw this movie where two ladies try on a
 bunch of hats? And it seemed like they were enjoying it but, PLOT TWIST, one of them didn't. And she calls them all out for being
 masochistic and narcissistic and ballistic and capriscistic and
 bubbliscticmik..... blah bah dee blah. Cousins wearing shirts on backwards, crying at your mommy for the
 wrong things and beating dead rats out of carpets at noon, suffering under the turbulent reign of sir henry the fifty millionth. I'd like t
o tattoo you with my magic markers, sitting on her back all day long watching television shows made of plastic. I'm
 a soft core pine cone and I'm weeping pathetically over the final episode of the OC. Oh jee. gee. 

I like listing things among other things among other things. its funny because this all makes sense in my head but not in yours. subjectivity, animosity, green apples.

You annoy me. I wish you didn't but its proved inevitable. I'm sorry. Say hi to your mother fer me arright?

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