Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cleaning Fluid

"You devil," cried the comfort food.
Effegine, wine maker's daughter, spoke six languages including walrus. She died of a heroine overdose at the age of 25 and left all of her russian doll collection to Katerina Gelovnavichnadnovnavich, who was supremely ecstatic.

It's too bad about you though. You are adorable, and all... but reall
y what would I do with you? Too much paradise is unsettling. While tornadoes make for interesting plot twists.

Losers losers losers. boozers. No questions/answers. Ive been trapped in the ice cream store. Please send a balloon. Who's that boy with the pin striped apron? Krismas, how many sweaters did you knit anyhow? I just want to live in my house. The clean one. It's cute. That's good. It's bright. And white. And the tiny bedroom could be mine. There was an overturned bathtub in the yard. It was the kind with feet. I sort of hope it stays behind when they take the trash away, but I wouldn't know how to ask about that. Never mind.  Never   Mind.

That cut is GHASTLY. "Here's your florida call, mr. Whitmore." I'm going to start eating all the ice cream in your house and I won't stop until you untie me from the refrigerator door.

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